As a key stakeholder, we asked the parents and carers of pupils receiving tuition from Randstad tutors to give us their thoughts on the quality of the provision provided. The results clearly speak for themselves in terms of their satisfaction. The schools that we work with have welcomed the reassurance from parents and carers that Randstad tutors really are making a difference to their pupils outcomes. 

a collaborative approach to excellence

The essence of effective tutoring lies in a tailored and personalised approach to each pupil, extending beyond academic goals. At Randstad, we believe in a collaborative partnership between Parents, Carers, and educators to ensure the right level of support is provided to match each individual child’s needs. 

The video below is just one example of the impact being made

meet the parent of one of our pupils

If you’d like to find out more about how Randstad tutors could help your pupils then fill out our form and find out more.

insights from our survey

satisfaction is paramount

A resounding 80% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the quality of service provided by our tutors. One parent shared, "Our tutor has ignited my child's passion for learning and boosted his confidence. Her communication with both of us is exemplary. We are truly grateful for her dedication."

tailored excellence

83% of participants affirmed that our tutoring was tailored to their child's needs, taking into account individual learning styles. Another parent praised, "Our tutor is exceptional! I wholeheartedly recommend her. She invests significant time in understanding our daughter's unique requirements."

engagement and effectiveness

Maintaining engagement is pivotal in ensuring positive learning outcomes, and 80% of parents attested to our tutors' ability to captivate and sustain their child's attention. One parent claimed, "Our tutor has not only boosted my son's confidence but also instilled in him a love for learning. She's amazing, understanding, and incredibly helpful."

continuous support and communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful tutoring. Our survey revealed that 95% of parents felt well-informed about their child's progress, with any queries swiftly addressed by our dedicated team.

witnessing transformation

The clear message from this survey was the profound impact tutoring has had on parents and carers and their children:

what parents, carers and pupils feel about working with randstad tutors

amplifying pupil voices: a cornerstone of success

We were also very interested to hear what the pupils themselves had to say about the tutoring they have received.

77% of students expressed enjoyment in their tutoring sessions, whilst 85% felt more confident about their learning journey since engaging with their tutor. Improved confidence and an enjoyment for learning are key ingredients to successful impact. Through personalised support and tailored guidance, our tutors empower students to thrive academically and personally. It was also heartening to see that 85% of pupils agreed that they got on well with their tutors and 85% also felt that the tutor had given constructive feedback on their work and how they can improve.

join us in empowering futures

If you're a school or a local authority seeking access to our exceptional pool of tutors for your pupils, get in touch via the form below. Let's embark on a journey of shaping brighter futures together.

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