Those who work in construction jobs often start by holding a labourer position. This is one of the easier access construction jobs since it offers those with limited or no experience the chance to get hands-on knowledge of a trade.

This means that they are always in high demand - and what's more, work in construction jobs is highly fulfilling. However, how can labourers go about developing themselves professionally?

Career development for construction jobs.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways construction personnel can maximise their opportunities for the future.

Initial education.

Labourers typically have limited initial qualifications, particularly at GCSE level. Candidates will need to be well aware of the need for general, well-rounded education in the construction industry.

It is not only seen as important by employers, but also by their insurers. This is because workers will need to have achieved basic levels of education in order to be deemed safe for site work, especially if they do not have extensive practical experience.

Therefore, when candidates are first getting involved in construction, they should seek to brush up any lacking areas in their early education.

By bridging this gap, candidates will avoid getting negative glances at the interview table. It is also wise to study beyond GCSE level, with many home study courses being available on the British market that is widely recognised by professional bodies.

Trade skills.

Labourers typically do not want to be involved in labour positions for the entire duration of their careers. This entry-level work is often seen as a stepladder to something better further down the line.

However, these opportunities are few and far between, so candidates will need to demonstrate their own commitment to construction by making themselves available for trade skill opportunities.

These may be available directly through employers as part of an apprentice scheme but are more commonly available at local colleges where NVQ, BTEC courses and other trade skill diplomas are often provided at minimal.

These will equip candidates with the necessary skills for lower positions in their chosen trade. From here, construction workers normally hare in a better position to advance their careers and take advantage of more opportunities.

Personal development.

While academic development is the cornerstone to success in the construction industry, it is definitely not the only part of growing as a professional.

Taking the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills can often pay dividends at a later date. Communication, time management and problem-solving skills are widely touted as necessary for success in this industry, so it would be worth to actively seek opportunities to improve these.

Construction workers who can demonstrate good interpersonal skills and give evidence for constantly improving them will stand out from the crowd when moving jobs.

Furthermore, putting effort into one’s personal development could prove to be very beneficial in the long term by setting the given candidate on the right track to promotion.

CPD certification.

As a final step, candidates can apply for a CPD certification. This course, the continuous professional development scheme for construction personnel, shows employers that candidates are committed to improving themselves at all levels and are also keeping up-to-date with the latest advancements in the construction sector.