There are various types of sales techniques with many of them focusing on how to close. Before you get to that part of the conversation a salesperson should use these five tips in business development, which apply to telesales, face-to-face pitches or when starting a new job in sales or as a manager

Sales techniques that work are usually ones that are simple to understand and follow. You may be using these techniques subconsciously but being aware of them can make you better at sales. 'GIFTS' techniques give you the ability to keep a conversation moving, provide good rebuttals and prevent the sale going stale.

sales tips for success.

One approach is to use GIFTS, but what does it stand for?


To a lot of businesses and people, greed is good. If you explain how you can deliver more value to their company and how you can bring in profit or operational efficiencies, your proposition will become more appealing to an employer.


Most people have had a negative sales experience and often don't like being sold to; they'd much rather make their own decisions. A common line that you might use after your pitch is 'it is totally up to you'. This breaks the pattern of being sold to, which the person is expecting, and can see the potential buyer's barrier drop enabling you to continue down the sales tactics.

fear of loss.

If your product or service is being available only to a select number of customers or there's an expiry on a deal, make sure you communicate that as in doing so you'll be creating a fear that the company or person may miss out on what you have to sell.

tone of voice.

Sales, especially telesales jobs, can become tough when making hundreds of calls a day but then being rejected 100’s of times too. Morale can get low and the most obvious sign is your voice from the monotone. Switching the tone of your voice and the speed you are talking it will keep the client engaged.

sheep factor.

Many advertisers use this technique to make you feel like you should go with the trend and follow what everyone else is doing or buying. You might say 'the most popular choice is to go for XXX package, 25 of my clients all use this package and have had amazing results.'

The key is to use all the techniques in random patterns, this way you can keep the conversation flowing and interesting. A typical conversation could be:

'8/10 companies have found X to be a problem in their business (sheep factor). This software will improve efficiency and also save you X amount of money per month (greed). As you are on the list of 100 companies we can give you an offer at a free quotation, but there are only 10 spaces left (fear of loss).

'Of course, it is totally up to you (indifference) to find the right solution. I have a meeting with X which is just around the corner from you who is looking at the software on Tuesday (sheep factor) I have some time from 10-12 or 2-4, whichever suits you best, to show you the savings and profit you could make (greed)?'

You can bounce around the sales techniques on your calls or face to face meetings. Doing so you will be creating a greater need to find out more but remember to using indifference, the person won’t feel the pressure of being sold to.

Remember: people more often than not buy on emotion and then justify with logic.