<p><a href="Research">https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/uk-employees-work-life-balanc… suggests</a> that only one third of British employees are happy with their work-life balance. We’ll cover the following to help you find that perfect level of juggling work with social:</p>
<li>Flexible working</li>
<li>Workload management</li>
<p>Over the years we have seen many changes happen through the working world but some things just stick. Have you ever wondered why you cc someone into an email when cc stands for carbon copy? Carbon copies date back to the 1900’s and refers to a piece of carbon paper copies writing from one paper to another so why do we still use it?<br><br> But one of the most unchanged working terms is ‘working 9-5’, and with no thanks to Dolly Parton, it’s on everyone's lips (and hips) and whether you say it out loud or not, work-life balance is important to you and you want things to change.<br><br><a href="/employers/workforce-insights/rebr-report/">Randstad’s recent Employer Brand Report</a> reinforces the importance for employers to offer a positive work-life balance. Although ‘salary and benefits’ remains the number one factor Brits look for in an ideal employer, it is not the definitive reason for choosing to stay, as employees look a little further than the payday bank balance for job satisfaction - work-life balance is hugely important. </p>
<p>A positive work-life balance doesn’t only make you feel better, it’s a key contributor to mental well-being. The <a href="Mental">https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/w/work-life-balance">Mental Health Foundation</a> revealed more than 40% of employees are neglecting other aspects of their life because of work, which may increase their vulnerability to mental health problems.</p>
<p>Here’s our top tips on what you can do to work towards a better work-life balance:</p>
<h2>Can you really work anywhere? </h2>
<p>Can your work only be done in your office? Can you still reach out to clients’ or customers’ outside of the usual work hours? Basically, can your work be done outside the traditional 9-5 work hours? If it’s a yes, it shouldn’t be a problem. If it’s no, try and ask for additional support or check out tips on <a href="/job-seeker/career-hub/archives/seven-steps-to-better-time-management_169/">how to better your time management skills</a>. </p>
<h3>Manage your workload.</h3>
<p>Be organised, don’t just plan for the time you might be losing, plan ahead, reschedule your meetings and make sure you hit already existing deadlines.  </p>
<h3>Activities outside of the workplace.</h3>
<p>Brain gains, can be improved by physical gains. <a href="Three">https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/uk-employees-work-life-balanc… fifths</a> of employees say that they are more productive when following a workout, meaning they are able to make more time for socialising, family and hobbies. </p>
<h3>Keeping fit in the office.</h3>
<p><a href="Seventy-five">https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/uk-employees-work-life-balanc… per cent</a> of employees polled agreed regular exercise is a key factor in achieving a good work-life balance. Waking up your body and your mind before you set foot in the office can help you be more productive during your work day. Do you travel a lot for work but still want to keep fit? Check out our top tips <a href="/job-seeker/career-hub/archives/how-to-stay-fit-while-travelling-for-work_1345/">here</a>.</p>
<h3>Will it be a win-win or end in tears? </h3>
<p>The main goal/result from you flex working is that your manager, team and you can all benefit from the change. Make it worth their while. A happy manager, a happy job! </p>