how much does a site engineer earn?

salary and career advice

The average site engineer salary is £34,180, according to our real-time salary checker. You may start out earning less in an entry-level role, while a senior site engineer salary in the UK can be much higher. Alternatively, a temporary or contract site engineer pay rate can be anywhere from £230 to £450 a day.

Find out the average site engineer salary in the UK and use our salary checker to see how yours compares.

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what factors affect site engineer salary?

The figures above are only guidelines. In reality, there are lots of factors that might affect your earning potential such as:

  • the size and success of the company for which you work
  • the level of complexity and responsibility involved in your role
  • your level of experience in similar roles
  • your qualifications, both academic and professional

where do site engineers earn the most?

Like in many other roles, location matters too. Site engineer pay is usually higher in London than elsewhere in the UK.

compare your site engineer pay with our salary checker

Are you being paid the right salary as a site engineer? Our site engineer salary checker provides a personalised report on where you stand in terms of pay, level of responsibilities much more.

Here's how you can benefit from using our salary checker:

  • check whether you're being paid a fair wage in a current role
  • learn the pay for which you could realistically ask as part of a promotion or new job
  • compare your earning potential against other roles
  • gauge current market demand for site engineers

how our site engineer pay salary checker works

Powered by SalaryBoard, our salary checker takes accurate salary data from over 16 million professional profiles in the UK today. It gives you a wide range of data including:

  • the current average site engineer salary in the UK, plus the 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentiles
  • common financial extras such as bonuses
  • typical responsibilities in site engineer roles
  • the number of site engineer jobs available across the UK today

resources to help you secure your ideal site engineer pay rate

Whether you're searching for your first role or hungry to progress, we're here to help you to further your career and earning potential.

For advice on site engineer jobs and how to nail your interview as a site engineer, check out our career advice hub.

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