People in test analyst jobs are responsible for the development, application, and analysis of tests for assorted technical products and processes. They need to be astute, inventive, and highly adaptive. It is a fantastic profession for those who love problem-solving and who enjoy taking on new challenges on a frequent basis.

Skilled test analysts are in high demand, but interviews for these positions can nevertheless be tough. This article is intended to prepare candidates to take them on.

General interview tips for test analyst jobs.

In a systems test analyst interview, it is imperative to come across as organised and ready for a challenge. This begins with reading up on the hiring organisation, getting up to date with news in the sector, and re-reading the initial job advert and application.

Smart presentation on the day is essential, so it is important to prioritise getting a good night’s sleep and being sharp and alert in the interview. Candidates should aim to arrive slightly early and take the opportunity to talk to staff whilst waiting. This is a good way to pick up scraps of useful information and make a friendly impression that will increase the chance of being remembered.

General interview questions.

  1. How would you describe yourself as a professional?
  2. What attracted you to this field?
  3. What do you find appealing about this company?
  4. What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses?
  5. What are your career ambitions? 

Typical test analyst questions and tips.

1. How much experience do you have working with the type of projects this company deals with?

This is an opportunity for candidates to show that they have done their research. Voluntary experience, if verifiable, can carry as much weight as paid work.

2. What are your technical specialities?

Specialities directly related to the job should be given top billing but describing others can show flexibility, which is often what the interviewer is really most interested in.

3. Have you ever felt unable to resolve a problem you were presented with in the course of your employment? If so, how did you proceed?

Everyone gets stuck sometimes. This question is designed to test team working skills and ensure that candidates know when and how to seek support.

4. Have you ever had to re-do a lengthy series of tests after discovering an error part-way through the process?

Everyone makes errors. This is a test of honesty, an opportunity to reveal staying power, and a chance to communicate lessons learned.

During an interview like this, candidates will often be asked if they can explain a past project in simple terms. This doesn’t mean the interviewers don’t understand the technical language involved – it is generally an attempt to find out how well the candidate can explain a process to a client.

Questions to ask the employer.

  1. What tools are available to analysts at this company?
  2. How are teams structured within the workplace?
  3. To what extent do you expect analysts to communicate directly with clients?
  4. What type of record-keeping procedures do you use?
  5. What opportunities are there for training and development?