how much does a maintenance engineer earn?

The average maintenance engineer salary in the UK is £34,820, based on our real-time salary checker tool. Those in entry-level roles can usually expect to earn in the twenty-thousands, while pay can be much higher for experienced engineers.


compare your maintenance engineer salary with our salary checker

Are you being paid the right salary for your skills? Our maintenance engineer salary checker provides a personalised report on where you stand in terms of pay, level of responsibilities and more.

There's a whole host of benefits to using our tool:

  • find out whether you're being fairly rewarded in your current role
  • get an idea of the right salary for which to ask if you're going for a promotion or a new job
  • compare your potential earnings as a maintenance engineer against other career options
  • see how many roles like yours are currently available

Ready to find out your market worth? Just enter your email to get started.

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how our maintenance engineer salary calculator works

Our salary checker is powered by SalaryBoard and uses real-time salary data from more than 16 million professional profiles across the UK. You'll see a wide range of data beyond a top-line gross income figure including:

  • typical building maintenance engineer salary in the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentiles
  • common extras such as bonuses
  • common responsibilities in like-for-like or similar roles
  • current market demand for maintenance engineers

what affects how much a maintenance engineer makes?

Typical pay as a maintenance engineer depends on a range of factors, such as:

  • the size and stature of the company for which you work
  • the complexity of the tasks that you handle in your work, for example if looking after specialist equipment on a large manufacturing plant
  • your level of experience in dealing with faults and installations
  • your qualifications, with higher qualifications often leading to higher-paid managerial roles

Like many other roles, location also plays a part in determining maintenance engineer average salaries. Pay is usually higher in London and southern England than anywhere else in the UK.


extra resources to help you get the salary you want

Whether you're just starting out or looking to progress, we've created a range of resources to help you to find the role and rewards for which you're looking.

New to the field? Then have a look at our maintenance engineer CV-writing tips and maintenance engineer job description page to get you started.

For advice and tips on maintenance engineer jobs and how to nail your interview as a maintenance engineer, check out our career advice hub.

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