architect and design

salary and career advice


Currently, the average architect, based in the City of London, is getting paid £54,630 based on five years' experience.

Are you being paid the correct salary as an architect? Our salary calculator provides you with a personalised report that tells you where you stand in terms of pay, level of responsibilities and the current demand for your role as an architect.

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What skills affect architect salaries?

Architects use their skills in design, engineering, managing and coordinating to create aesthetically pleasing and safe buildings that serve a purpose. They perform crucial, highly technical roles so, if you work in the industry, it’s important that you make sure that you are being paid an architecture salary that reflects your true value.

If you're new to this field, then have a look at our how to become an architect. To gain insight into the skills which you could work on or use in interviews to boost your salary, check out our architect job description guide. And for advice and tips on architect jobs and how to nail your writing your CV and cover letter, check out our career advice hub.

Why use our free architect salary checker?

Randstad’s average architect salary calculator helps you to understand what architects are typically paid each year in the UK. It lets you understand whether your current pay is competitive, if a prospective employer is offering a good architect salary, or what the typical earnings are for the role – helpful for career-changers.

Input your role and location, and we will compare it to the countless salaries and job profiles in a 16 million-strong database. We’ll provide you with up-to-date architecture salary data and a wealth of additional insights to help you to get the salary that you deserve.

Choose us and learn the following, plus much more:

  • The typical annual compensation for 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentiles
  • Total compensation including bonuses, sales and commission
  • Existing job market demand
  • Typical job responsibilities based on real job profiles
  • Architect job experience, education, career path and industry

Get your report below and start learning not just what you should be earning, but how you can get the best architect’s salary possible.

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